3 Signs It’s Time to Schedule a Hearing Evaluation

Most people consider hearing loss an inevitable part of aging. However, this widespread problem can affect anyone at any age, even children, young adults, and those in middle age.
Studies show that over 30 million Americans 18 and older have hearing problems, and 1 in 8 ages 12 or older have hearing loss in both ears. Unfortunately, many individuals who could benefit from hearing aids have never used them. This may not seem concerning, but untreated hearing loss increases your chances of social isolation and dementia.
Dr. Vandana Kumra performs hearing evaluations for people of all ages at ENT New York in Manhattan. She also offers expert treatment for hearing loss, whether you have a minor issue like your wax buildup, an undiagnosed sinus infection, or a more significant problem requiring advanced attention.
In this blog, Dr. Kumra shares three signs that it’s time to schedule an assessment.
1. You’re 60 or older
Most people take proactive steps to protect their health by getting routine dental cleanings, vision tests, and physical exams. But did you know you should also get regular hearing evaluations?
Newborns and children get their hearing checked regularly throughout childhood. However, this assessment often falls by the wayside by adulthood, which can delay early detection of hearing-related issues.
Generally speaking, Dr. Kumra recommends getting an annual hearing test once you turn 60. That’s because aging causes changes to the hair cells within the ear, and age-related hearing loss becomes more common. Research shows that 26.8% of people 65 and older have problems hearing, and 4.1% experience profound difficulty or can’t hear at all.
A hearing test can detect changes in hearing before symptoms become pronounced, and treatment could even prevent them from worsening.
2. You have regular exposure to loud noises
Most adults without hearing issues can benefit from hearing testing at least once between ages 21 and 60 to establish a good baseline. However, being more diligent is essential if you have high risks of problems — like exposure to loud noises.
Exposure to loud noises can cause significant wear and tear on nerve cells or hairs within the inner ear. They can no longer transmit electrical signals when damaged, leading to hearing loss.
Types of sounds that increase your chances of hearing loss include:
- Loud music, carpentry, motorcycling, or snowmobiling
- Explosive sounds, like firearms, fireworks, or jet engines
- Job-related noises, like the entertainment industry, farming, factory work, or construction
You can experience noise-induced hearing loss from a single event or because of regular exposure over time. However, a hearing evaluation can identify potential issues so you can take action to avoid long-term problems.
3. You have signs of hearing loss
Finally, it’s important to schedule a hearing evaluation as soon as you — or someone you love — notice signs of a problem.
Common signs of hearing loss include:
- Feeling sounds and speech seem muffled
- Asking others to speak more slowly, loudly, or clearly
- Having to turn up the volume on your TV or radio
- Being irritated by background noise
- Having issues understanding words, especially in noisy environments or crowds
- Noticing a ringing in the ears
- Avoiding social events
- Having others complain about your hearing
It’s also crucial to seek expert care immediately if you have sudden hearing loss, especially in one ear.
What to expect during a hearing evaluation
The good news is that these tests are completely painless.
During your appointment, Dr. Kumra evaluates the outside and inside of your ear for signs of anatomical or structural issues that could trigger hearing loss. Then, she evaluates your ability to hear different sounds and their loudness.
Based on your results, Dr. Kumra can make additional recommendations to treat your symptoms or prevent your condition from progressing.
Do you need a hearing evaluation? Contact ENT New York in Manhattan for personalized guidance by calling 914-867-0399 today.
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