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Is It Normal for the Voice To Get Quieter with Age?

Is It Normal for the Voice To Get Quieter with Age?

People often expect certain changes as they age, like fine lines and wrinkles. However, those involving their voice usually come as a surprise. 

While it’s natural to experience age-related voice changes, they can negatively impact daily life. In fact, when communication becomes difficult, it can cause social withdrawal, isolation, and even depression.

Instead of dismissing voice changes as part of the aging process, Dr. Vandana Kumra at ENT New York recommends getting an expert voice evaluation. This simple step can protect your voice and overall health for years to come.

Are you getting older? Here’s how aging affects your voice and what you can do about it.

Aging and your voice

It’s no secret that your voice undergoes numerous changes during puberty. However, vocal aging is also a common problem later in life. It typically occurs for two reasons: aging of the vocal system and declining overall health.

An aging vocal system

Your voice originates from the air your lungs push through your vocal cords, which are stretchy bands of tissue inside the larynx or voice box.

As you age, all of these components can change. In your voice box, that often includes: 

Changes in the respiratory system powering your voice typically include a shrinking torso, rib calcification, and smaller, less pliable lungs.

All of these changes can contribute to a weaker voice.

Declining overall health

While aging can directly impact your voice box and respiratory system, voice changes can also occur because of an underlying medical problem.

Common causes of these voice changes can range from nodules or growths in the throat to neurological problems or chronic fatigue.

Since your voice can grow quiet for various reasons, it’s essential to work with an expert like Dr. Kumra to determine the cause.

Diagnosing voice problems

Age-related issues can cause a variety of changes in your voice, such as:

Dr. Kumra can investigate these changes during a throat and voice evaluation.

This assessment uses specialized tools to evaluate your throat and vocal cords. Dr. Kumra can also capture images and measure electrical impulses controlling the voice box and irregularities in sounds it produces.

Treating voice problems 

Based on your evaluation, Dr. Kumra can offer personalized guidance on managing your symptoms moving forward, such as removing growths on the vocal cords.

However, Dr. Kumra can also provide additional strategies to keep your voice in tip-top shape for the years to come, such as:

Dr. Kumra could also suggest voice therapy. These programs can help improve your voice's function, quality, stamina, and overall health.

Has your voice become quieter with age? If so, schedule a voice and throat evaluation with Dr. Vandana Kumra in New York City today.

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