5 Signs You May Have an Underactive Thyroid

If you’re feeling lethargic and unmotivated, it may be more than a case of the winter blues. Seemingly innocuous symptoms could be indicators of an underactive thyroid, an often overlooked and undiagnosed condition.
January is Thyroid Awareness Month and a great time to familiarize yourself with its sneaky symptoms.
The thyroid produces hormones that regulate how your body uses energy — metabolism — but that’s not all. These essential hormones affect just about everything that goes on in your body, from your heart rate to your brain function. When your thyroid gland isn’t functioning optimally, it can slow down these and other bodily processes.
With her in-depth knowledge and experience, Vandana Kumra, MD, at ENT New York, provides comprehensive care for people with thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism — an underactive thyroid.
While fatigue is often the first symptom of hypothyroidism, it’s certainly not the only one. This condition can manifest in some unexpected ways. Keep reading to learn more about five surprising signs you may have an underactive thyroid.
Changes in your hair and skin
Thyroid hormones directly impact hair follicles, regulating their growth, rest, and shedding cycles. When the thyroid is underactive, the lack of hormones slows down these cycles, leading to hair loss and/or thinning.
You may also reach for the lotion more often, as a lack of thyroid hormone can disrupt your skin’s natural moisture balance. Keep an eye out for these subtle (or not-so-subtle) changes in your skin, hair, and nails:
- Dry skin that’s itchy or flaky
- Thinning hair or increased hair shedding
- Brittle, dry, or coarse hair
- Abnormally pale skin
- Slow-growing fingernails that are prone to breaking and peeling
Unexpected weight gain
Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and still noticing the numbers on the scale climb? One explanation could be hypothyroidism slowing down your metabolism, the process in which your body converts food into energy.
A slow metabolism makes it more difficult for your body to burn calories, which can lead to weight gain, even if your diet and calorie intake remain consistent. Low amounts of thyroid hormone can also cause fluid retention, increased water weight, and a puffy appearance.
A constant chill
An underactive thyroid’s effect on your metabolism can also impact how efficiently it produces heat. You may feel persistently cold, even in warm environments. If you’re frequently bundling up in a sweater or cranking the thermostat while others around you are comfortable, it could be a sign of hypothyroidism.
Brain fog and confusion
Struggling to concentrate or feeling mentally foggy? Forgetting things more often than usual? These cognitive challenges could be surprising symptoms of an underactive thyroid.
Thyroid hormones are essential for brain health and function. When your thyroid isn’t producing enough, it can slow down your cognitive processes and lead to difficulties with memory, focus, and overall mental clarity.
Depression or anxiety
While depression and anxiety can stem from a variety of factors, an underactive thyroid can sometimes contribute to these mental health issues. Thyroid hormones significantly influence your mood and emotional balance.
If you have low levels of thyroid hormone, it can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and/or irritability. Other thyroid-related symptoms, like fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain, can also contribute to low mood.
More than 60% of Americans with thyroid disease may not even know they have it. If you’re experiencing any of the subtle symptoms we discuss here, it’s important to seek quality care from a trusted professional like Dr. Kumra. For an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan, call or click to schedule an appointment at ENT New York in Manhattan, New York.
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