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Am I a Good Candidate for Sinus Surgery?

If you suffer from chronic sinus problems, sinus surgery could be the answer you’ve been looking for. But don’t let the word “surgery” fool you. Most of the time, sinus surgery is minimally invasive, meaning there’s less cutting and bleeding so you recover faster. You’ll even go home afterwards unless there are complications. 

Keep reading to learn if you’re a good candidate for sinus surgery and how ear, nose, and throat specialist Dr. Vandana Kumra of ENT New York can help you.

What are the sinuses?

The sinuses are hollow cavities around your eyes and nose that help filter the air you breathe. They have a mucus lining that traps bacteria before it can enter your body and cause harm. 

But sometimes they become infected by that bacteria or a virus and become swollen or inflamed. If this happens, you’ll feel pain and pressure around your nose and eyes, or in your jaw or teeth. Other symptoms of a sinus infection, also called sinusitis, include:

How to treat it at home

Sometimes, sinusitis will go away on its own at home. To relieve the pain and pressure, you can try ice or heat packs, rest, and take over-the-counter pain relievers or decongestants. Nasal sprays or saline sprays may help, too. If your sinus infection is bad enough, you may need antibiotics.

What makes a good candidate for sinus surgery?

If you suffer from debilitating sinus headaches or have chronic sinus trouble, sinus surgery could help you get some relief. Sinusitis is considered chronic if it occurs for longer than 12 weeks. 

Let’s face it, if you’ve been dealing with sinus pain and pressure for that long you’ve probably missed out on a few social activities or even had to miss work and are probably more than ready to find a lasting solution. If you have any of these other conditions, you may also be a good candidate for sinus surgery:

Types of sinus surgery

There are two common types of sinus surgery. In endoscopic surgery, Dr. Kumra inserts tiny instruments into your nose so she can see inside. Then, she removes any polyps or scar tissue. 

The other type of sinus surgery is called balloon sinuplasty. In this procedure, Dr. Kumra inserts a thin tube into your nose and inflates a balloon near a blockage. The force of the balloon opens up the area so your sinuses can drain and you can breathe easier.


The goal of sinus surgery is to repair any issues that make it hard for you to breathe and to drain your sinuses so they can function properly. It’s not always a cure-all. Some people need to have another sinus surgery down the road. Sometimes, having sinus surgery can improve other conditions like snoring or sleep apnea.

Since each person is unique, there’s no way to tell how your body will react to sinus surgery. At your consultation, Dr. Kumra gives you her honest opinion about the outcome you can expect so you can make an informed decision. 

Are you ready to find out how Dr. Kumra can help you get some relief from all that sinus pain and pressure? Request an appointment online or call 646-859-6136 today.

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