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Ear Wax Buildup and Hearing Loss: All Your Questions Answered

Ear Wax Buildup and Hearing Loss: All Your Questions Answered

The doorbell rings, and you barely hear it. You turn up the TV, but your family complains it’s too loud. It may not be age-related hearing loss: These subtle changes in your hearing could be due to something as simple as ear wax buildup.

If you’re in the Manhattan area, board-certified otolaryngologist Vandana Kumra, MD, at ENT New York can help. Dr. Kumra provides thorough, in-office hearing evaluations and personalized treatment plans, including safe ear wax removal.

Ready to learn how to keep your ears healthy and your hearing sharp? Read on as we answer all your questions about ear wax, including how to prevent buildup and what to do if you’re experiencing hearing problems.

Understanding ear wax: what it is and why it’s there

Ear wax (or cerumen) is a naturally occurring substance produced by glands in your ear canal. While it may not seem like the most pleasant stuff, ear wax plays an important role in ear health.

Its primary function is to protect your ears by trapping dust, debris, and other particles, preventing them from traveling further into your ear and causing trouble. Ear wax also lubricates the ear canal, keeping it from becoming dry and itchy, and even has mild antibacterial properties.

The color and consistency can vary from person to person, and some people produce more than others. Although it’s essential for healthy ears, excessive wax can become impacted and lead to problems.

What causes ear wax buildup and impaction?

Ear wax may build up for a variety of reasons. Certain skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, and ear injuries can produce excess wax.

The shape of your ear canal plays a role, too — some are naturally narrower, making it more difficult for wax to move through. If you wear hearing aids, they can also obstruct the natural flow of ear wax.

You may be tempted to reach for cotton swabs to clean your ears, but this seemingly harmless habit can worsen the problem. Instead of removing wax, cotton swabs tend to push it further into the ear canal, packing it down and contributing to impaction.

How impacted ear wax affects your hearing

Built-up ear wax can create a barrier between sound waves and your eardrum, making it harder to hear clearly. Sounds may seem muffled or distant, as though someone turned down the volume on the world around you.

Some people describe a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear, which can also affect how you perceive sound. You may also experience:

Don’t try to remove the wax with a cotton swab or anything else. It’s easy to damage your eardrum or ear canal, which can have serious complications. Studies show that cotton swabs are responsible for more than 10,000 ear injuries annually in the United States.

Preventing wax buildup

Preventing ear wax from building up is mainly about avoiding habits that contribute to the problem. Instead of cotton swabs, trust your ears to do the job — they should naturally expel the excess ear wax. You can gently wipe the outer part of your ear with a damp cloth if needed.

If you’re prone to buildup, talk to Dr. Kumra about safe and effective cleaning methods. For some, using ear drops designed to soften wax can be helpful. If you wear hearing aids, make sure they fit properly and clean them regularly.

While ear wax build-up isn’t typically a cause for alarm, it’s wise to address the symptoms before they worsen. Schedule your hearing evaluation at ENT New York online or by phone today.

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