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How Come My Allergies Get Worse in Summer?

How Come My Allergies Get Worse in Summer?

If the mere thought of summer leaves you miserable and reaching for the tissue, you’re not alone. Allergies can cause problems all year, but they’re becoming an increasingly bigger problem during warmer seasons, including summer. And there’s a reason for it.

Dr. Vandana Kumra regularly sees people struggling with allergies at her ear, nose, and throat practice in New York City. In recent years, she’s also noticed a surge in visits every summer. 

Are you one of the many allergy sufferers noticing longer and more severe symptoms in the warmer months? Here’s what’s behind it.

Understanding allergies

Allergic reactions develop when your system responds to something harmless that it perceives as a threat; in the case of seasonal allergies, that typically involves pollen.

You can often identify seasonal allergies based on the time of year when your symptoms occur. For example, pollen from trees and flowers typically affects people from March to mid-May. 

However, if your symptoms seem worse during mid-May to mid-July, the culprit is often grass pollen.

Finally, when allergies are at their worst in late summer and fall, it’s often due to weed pollen and mold spores. Unfortunately, weed pollen can cause problems until November.

As of 2021, an estimated 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children reported struggling with seasonal allergies in the United States. That translates to more than 80 million people, and these numbers are only expected to increase in the years to come. 

But why?

Seasonal allergies and warmer temperatures

Warm weather is a primary cause of the increase in seasonal allergies and the worsening of symptoms in summer.

As temperatures rise, the pollen season increases, triggering more symptoms for longer periods. In fact, research shows the pollen season lasts as much as three weeks longer in some regions of North America. 

But the problem doesn’t stop there.

In addition to summer’s warmer temperatures, human activity also comes into play — for instance, using non-native and allergen-producing plants, especially in urban landscaping. 

Plants with higher rates of allergy reaction often pollinate by the wind instead of through contact with wildlife. 

When you combine these factors with increased air pollution, you get higher rates of seasonal allergies in the summer — and symptoms that seem worse and last longer.

If this sounds familiar, Dr. Kumra can help.

Finding relief for seasonal allergies

When you suffer from seasonal allergies, it’s easy to think the only solution is staying indoors. However, there are ways you can improve your symptoms, even when the temps soar.

It all starts with a comprehensive allergy assessment with Dr. Kumra. During this appointment, you can share your symptoms and what seems to trigger them. 

Based on this conversation, Dr. Kumra could recommend allergy testing to identify what substance causes you to react.

This information plays an essential role in outlining an effective management strategy.

Common treatments for managing seasonal allergies include:

Dr. Kumra could also recommend immunotherapy if you have severe symptoms that interfere with day-to-day life.

Are your seasonal allergies worse in the summer? Call 914-867-0399 or schedule a consultation with Vandana Kumra, MD, through our online tool today.

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